been a while since i posted anything here!
the last month and a half have been crazy, with house hunting and packing. we finally found a place to rent and are moving in about a week, and my work has been shut for the majority of this last week so i've taken advantage of the time during my regular work hours to get started on the garden. there was a raised bed already in place at the house, but it looked very abandoned and needed a LOT of TLC. i spent this thursday doing most of the work, breaking up the soil, doing a deep weeding, and adding/mixing in new dirt and homemade compost (+ worms) donated by a friend.
i also set a few seeds to pre-sprout, which i'll plant (as well as probably a few straight from the packet) and a couple starters i already have next time i swing by the house.
i'm very proud of the work i put into the bed so far though; i'll edit this later to include a photo post-compost adding, but here's the improvement!!

the weather is absolutely not ready yet (it hailed today?!), even really for prepping starters indoors, but im getting the itch bad and needed to do some work prepping today. i never fully cleared out the space from last year, so i pulled the last few remaining dead plants and took stock of the pots and planters. i realized my chamomile is still surviving? so i dug it out of its box and into a pot to bring inside. i have a bunch of coconut fiber i prepped for my beetle tank, so i mixed some into its new home to see how it helps with water retention.
ive desperately wanted to make an indoor herb garden, but every single time i have absolutely failed to grow any from seed. ive tried a variety of techniques and either had no luck, or the sprouts withered after a few days (with the sole exception of the chamomile, it seems.....), but im stubborn and prepared to keep throwing myself against this. im trying the egg carton method this go around, and already gearing up for the next turn lol.
so far, i have in small batches:
‣ rosemary
‣ sage
‣ basil
‣ thyme
‣ oregano
‣ chives
im trying to hold back on too much further right now; we're gearing up to move in the next month or two, hopefully to a place where i can use actual planter beds, and ive been reminded and warned many times that whatever i plant has to get moved :p but im still going to start my seeds soon regardless hahaha