Harrison Clark
will i have to shoot someone? because i really want to shoot someone.
member of the White Coyotes, a tribe from Arizona turned nomadic after the Legion failed to assimilate them. split from them to persue his own goals, but considers himself to be extremely devout to their goddess and unshakable in his sense or morality and beliefs that the future can be predicted and altered. has been taking up wandering work across the years, most recently as a courier, and settled in the Mojave with Trev about a year prior to the game as part of a fresh start and to work at sobriety. recovering med-x and turbo addict, and member of the Followers of the Apocalypse.
- Fallout: New Vegas; courier six (wildcard ending)
- Mexican, bi + aro spec, agender
- he/him or no pronouns
- chaotic neutral, INTP, Scorpio
- ambitious, stubborn, reserved, passionate
- tarot: death, the moon
- tagged skills: sneak, repair, medicine, guns
- romantic relationships: Trev Wolf